
Monday, 7 March 2011

Why Not Pakistan Zindabad?

In the wake of the terrible tragedy that only threatens to get a whole lot worse in Libya.This instigated by the barbarous actions of the Libyan lead Colonel Gaddafi.There has to be moves made to change the name of the iconic Lahore Stadium named in his honour
So with Pakistan having a long history of iconic cricket players what should the Stadiums name be?
Of course the logical name would be after the icon of Pakistan cricket in Lahore's own in Imran Khan.This indeed would have merit and would be embraced by the Pakistan public...
Though this would be lauded widely by the Pakistani public why not take it a step further to make it about the Pakistan public?
This of course is scoffed upon in any part of planet earth...
Where more than likely a company with the hugest bankroll will be able to put their trademark on the Stadium.Or even worse a megalomaniac individual who has great contacts
Ultimately ending up in a purile and insipid name like the Lahore Bank Stadium or even worse the Ijaz Butt Stadium.........
Though this is a chance for the Pakistan Government not only to show a more welcoming face to the Western World. That always harbours cynicism against them,but also it's 180 million citizens......
Who have experienced great tragedy for such a long time....
So why not honour them in a name for a Stadium that represents such joy for them in partaking in their favourite pass time of cricket?
You could do this by the renaming of the Stadium....
The Pakistan Zindabad Stadium (Long Live Pakistan Stadium)
This would not only show a pride in Nation for all to embrace,but a desire for a better Pakistan in the future!

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